Visit a pop-up information session

Do you need help with public transport or setting up your MyWay+ account?

Come and chat with us at one of the MyWay+ pop-up sessions.

Transport Canberra is collaborating with COTA ACT for several library pop-up sessions, so you can also get support with services and programs for seniors in the Canberra region.

No booking required! Just walk up and have a chat with us.

On this page:

ACT Seniors are eligible for a free MyWay+ travel card, available from MyWay+ retail outlets or online through your MyWay+ account.

ACT Seniors cardholders are entitled to:

  • free travel for those over 70 at all times
  • free off-peak travel for those aged between 60-69 working less than 20 hours per week.

To be eligible for an ACT Seniors Card you must be:

  • 60 years of age or older
  • a permanent resident of Australia
  • residing in the ACT and
  • not be in paid employment for more than 20 hours per week.

For information on the ACT Seniors Card including applying for a new or replacement card visit the ACT Seniors Card website.

Changes to the combined ACT Seniors/TC MyWay card

The combined ACT Seniors/TC MyWay card can no longer be used for tapping on and off public transport. However, you should keep your ACT Seniors Card to continue accessing other benefits, such as discounts arranged through the Council on the Ageing (COTA) ACT. The only difference is that the TC MyWay side of the card will no longer work to tap on and tap off at the MyWay+ validators. ACT Seniors cardholders will still be entitled to the same concession travel discounts.

Changes to MyWay+ for concession card holders

Transitioning to MyWay+

Until June 2025 ACT Seniors cardholders can use their Seniors Card as a flash card while travelling for free (60-69 year old during off peak times and 70 years and over at all times). After June 2025, all customers will be required to either create a MyWay+ account or use a MyWay+ travel card.

Will seniors need to pay for a new MyWay+ card?

Seniors will not be required to pay for a new MyWay+ card if this is how they choose to use the new MyWay+ system. A physical card is no longer a requirement of the new MyWay+ system.

ACT Seniors aged 60-69

As an ACT Senior aged 60–69, you’re entitled to free off-peak travel if you work fewer than 20 hours per week. To travel during peak hours (weekdays before 9:00 am and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm), you will need to pay a discounted concession fare.

All concession holders must carry their proof of concession while travelling on public transport.

MyWay+ guide

Option 1: Create a MyWay+ account

A MyWay+ account offers personalised and convenient travel management. In your MyWay+ account, you can:

  • order a free MyWay+ travel card
  • transfer any current MyWay travel credit
  • use a MyWay+ travel card or contactless payment method such as Mastercard or Visa card, linked to your MyWay+ account (even when your travel is free)
  • register a concession for discounted or free travel
  • view your travel and transaction history
  • customise your real time journey notifications in the MyWay+ app.

Create a MyWay+ account

Option 2: Using MyWay+ travel card anonymously

You have the option of getting a new MyWay+ travel card for free and travelling anonymously without a MyWay+ account. You will need to add travel credit to the card for when you travel during peak hours.

MyWay+ travel cards are free for Seniors.

MyWay+ travel cards are available from MyWay+ retail outlets. Make sure to specify you are an ACT Senior 60-69.

To add travel credit to your MyWay+ travel card, if you choose to travel in peak, you have the following options:

Transitioning to MyWay+

Until June 2025 ACT Senior cardholders (60-69) can use their Seniors Card as a flash card while travelling off peak. After this time, all customers will be required to either create a MyWay+ account or use a MyWay+ travel card. If travelling in peak , customers have the above options to pay for travel on bus and light rail services.

ACT Seniors aged 70 and over

Seniors aged 70 and over are eligible for free travel at all times. With MyWay+ you continue to travel for free on buses and light rail and you have a number of options on how to do this depending on how you want to travel.

All concession holders must carry their proof of concession while travelling on public transport.

MyWay+ guide

Option 1: Create a MyWay+ account

A MyWay+ account offers personalised and convenient travel management. In your MyWay+ account, you can:

  • order a free MyWay+ travel card
  • use a MyWay+ travel card or contactless payment method such as Mastercard or Visa card, linked to your MyWay+ account (even when your travel is free)
  • register a concession for free travel
  • view your travel and transaction history
  • customise your real time journey notifications in the MyWay+ app.

Create a MyWay+ account.

Option 2: Using MyWay+ travel card anonymously

You have the option of getting a new MyWay+ travel card for free and travelling anonymously without a MyWay+ account.

MyWay+ travel cards are free for Seniors.

MyWay+ travel cards are available from MyWay+ retail outlets.

Make sure to specify you are an ACT Senior 70 and over when getting your card.

Transitioning to MyWay+

Until June 2025 ACT Seniors cardholders (70 and over) can use their Seniors Card as a flash card. After this time, all customers will be required to either create a MyWay+ account or use a MyWay+ travel card.

Interstate Seniors

As an Interstate Senior cardholder, you’re entitled to free off-peak travel. To travel during peak hours (weekdays before 9:00 am and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm), you will need to pay a discounted concession fare. Interstate Senior cardholders are not eligible for over 70s free travel.

All concession holders must carry their proof of concession while travelling on public transport.

MyWay+ guide

Option 1: Create a MyWay+ account

A MyWay+ account offers personalised and convenient travel management. In your MyWay+ account, you can:

  • order a free MyWay+ travel card
  • transfer any current MyWay travel credit
  • use a MyWay+ travel card or contactless payment method (Mastercard or Visa), linked to your MyWay+ account (even when your travel is free)
  • register a concession for discounted or free travel
  • view your travel and transaction history
  • customise your real time journey notifications in the MyWay+ app.

Create a MyWay+ account

Option 2: Using MyWay+ travel card anonymously

You have the option of getting a new MyWay+ travel card for free and travelling anonymously without a MyWay+ account. You will need to add travel credit to the card for when you travel during peak hours.

MyWay+ travel cards are free for Seniors.

MyWay+ travel cards are available from MyWay+ retail outlets. Make sure to specify you are an Interstate Senior.

To add travel credit to your MyWay+ travel card, if you choose to travel in peak, you have the following options:

Transitioning to MyWay+

Until June 2025 ACT Interstate Seniors can use their Seniors Card as a flash card while travelling off peak. After this time, all customers will be required to either create a MyWay+ account or use a MyWay+ travel card. If travelling in peak, customers have the above options to pay for travel on bus and lig­ht rail services.

Interstate travel

ACT Seniors cardholders are eligible for concession travel on Transport NSW's Opal public transport network. For Opal Gold application please visit Opal card NSW.

Interstate senior travel information

Information on senior’s transport concessions in other states and territories around Australia can be found on the following websites:

MyWay+ account sign in

Quick top up

Real time journey planner

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Related links

Video tutorials

Watch our series of video tutorials to learn how to use your MyWay+ account.

Support and assistance

If you require assistance or have further questions, call Transport Canberra on 13 17 10 during business hours. We also encourage our customers to complete our online feedback form for compliments and complaints.