Public holiday timetable

Sunday timetable on public holidays

Transport Canberra and Canberra Metro run to a Sunday timetable and frequency for public holidays including Canberra Day on Monday 10 March 2025.

For information on taking public transport to events over the long weekend please see the events page.

You can plan your trip ahead of time by using the journey planner.

Upcoming public holidays

Public holiday Bus timetable Light rail timetable
Monday 10 March 2025 - Canberra Day Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Friday 18 April - Good Friday Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Saturday 19 April - Easter Saturday - the day after Good Friday Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Sunday 20 April - Easter Sunday Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Monday 21 April - Easter Monday Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Friday 25 April - ANZAC Day Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Monday 2 June - Reconciliation Day Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Monday 9 June - King's Birthday Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Monday 6 October - Labour Day Sunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency
Thursday 25 December - Christmas Day TBCTBC
Friday 26 December - Boxing DaySunday bus timetablePublic holiday light rail frequency