Visiting Canberra

Transport Canberra provides cost-effective and easy transportation throughout the city.

Tickets and MyWay+

Transport Canberra’s MyWay+ ticketing system seamlessly integrates buses, light rail and real-time information to get you where you need to be.

With a range of simple payment options for bus and light rail, you can choose what works best for you. These include:

If you are a regular visitor to Canberra, we recommend creating a MyWay+ account to experience the full benefits of our ticketing system and to receive the correct fare (i.e concession fares). Alternatively you can tap and go with you preferred contactless payment (Mastercard, Visa or digital card).

For more information visit ways to pay.

Plan your travel

Use our real time journey planner and timetables to plan your travel on bus and light rail.


Network maps

Get an overview of all the routes servicing Canberra.

Network maps
Weekday all services map (PDF 1.6 MB)
Rapid map (PDF 103.7 KB)
Park and Ride map (PDF 1.1 MB)
Bike and Ride map (PDF 716.5 KB)

Region maps

Region maps
Belconnen map (PDF 536.4 KB)
Gungahlin map (PDF 436.8 KB)
Inner North map (PDF 520.9 KB)
Inner South map (PDF 490.4 KB)
Woden, Weston Creek and Molonglo map (PDF 521.5 KB)
Tuggeranong map (PDF 474.6 KB)

Walking and cycling maps

Walking and cycling maps
Bike and Ride map (PDF 716.5 KB)
Canberra walking and cycling map (PDF 31.6 MB)

Bus interchange maps

Find your service location or platform at a bus interchange.

Bus station maps
Cohen Street map (PDF 93.3 KB)
Belconnen Westfield map (PDF 83.0 KB)
Belconnen map (PDF 115.2 KB)
Dickson map (PDF 85.5 KB)
City map (PDF 110.2 KB)
Gungahlin Place map (PDF 83.6 KB)
Woden map (PDF 116.4 KB)
Tuggeranong map (PDF 87.2 KB)
Erindale map 2022 (PDF 127.9 KB)
Barton map 2022 (PDF 108.8 KB)
Cooleman Court map (PDF 87.3 KB)

Need help?

Check our help page for some tips.

Find a school service or rural service. You can search by route number or school name.

Places of InterestRoute NumberRegion Map
Ainslie and Gorman Arts CentresR53Inner North
Albert HallR4, R5, R7, R10 Inner South
Anzac Parade [Memorials]R54Inner North
Australian Catholic UniversityR9, R53Inner North
Australian Defence Force Academy / Royal Military CollegeR55Inner North
Australian Institute of SportR9Belconnen
Australian National UniversityR3, R4, R5, 53Inner North
Australian War MemorialR54Inner North
Beijing Garden / Canberra-Nara Peace Park / Lennox GardensR4, R5, R7, R10Inner South
Blundells CottageR3, R56, R59, R182Inner North
Canberra AirportR3Inner North
Canberra GlassworksR2, R6, 56, 182Inner South
Canberra HospitalR6, R57Woden, Weston and Molonglo Map
Canberra Outlet CentreR2Inner South
Canberra Railway StationR2Inner South
Canberra Reptile ZooR24Gungahlin
Canberra TheatreRapid Routes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10Inner North
Canberra Walk-in AviaryR24Gungahlin
Capital Region Farmers Markets LR R1, R18Inner North
Cockington Green GardensR24Gungahlin
Commonwealth ParkR2, R4, R5, R6, R7, R10Inner North
Commonwealth PlaceR2, R6Inner South
CSIRO Discovery CentreR2, R3, R4Inner North
EPIC - Exhibition Park In CanberraLR R18Gungahlin
GIO Stadium R9Belconnen
GoBoat CanberraR2,R6, 56Inner South
Gold Creek VillageR24Gungahlin
High Court of AustraliaR2, R6Inner South
International Flag DisplayR2, R6Inner South
Kingston ForeshawR2, R6Inner South
Lake Burley GriffinR2, R4, R5, R6, R7, R10Inner South
Manuka OvalR6, 56Inner South
Mount AinslieR54Inner North
Museum of Australian Democracy R57, R58, R2, R6Inner South
National Archives of AustraliaR53Inner North
National Convention Centre Canberra R3, R56, R59, R182Inner North
National CarillonR3, R56, R59, R182Inner South
National Dinosaur MuseumR24Gungahlin
National Film and Sound Archive R53Inner North
National Capital ExhibitionR2, R4, R5, R6, R7, R10, R57, R58Inner North
National Gallery of Australia R2, R6Inner South
National Library of AustraliaR2,R6Inner South
National Portrait GalleryR2, R6Inner South
North Canberra HospitalR2, R3, R4, R901Belconnen
Old Bus Depot MarketsR2, R6, 56, 182Inner South
Old Parliament House R57, R58, R2, R6Inner South
Parliament House R57, R58Inner South
QuestaconR2, R6Inner South
Quizzic AlleyR56Inner South
Reconciliation Place R2, R6Inner South
Royal Australian MintR58Woden, Weston and Molonglo Map
University of CanberraR2, R3, R4, R9, 23, 30 Belconnen
University of Canberra HospitalR31, R901Belconnen
Visitor Information CentreR2, R4, R5, R6, R7, R10, R57, R58Inner North

For information about public transport options to major events in Canberra, see upcoming events.